Anna Owsiak

Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)

Anna is the Regional Habitat Manager for the Idaho Department of Fish and Game in Pocatello. She is a graduate of both Michigan State and Washington State Universities, and has over 20 years of wildlife resource management experience in Idaho. Anna has worked in the Priest Lake, Kamiah, St. Anthony, Salmon and Hells Canyon areas, and has also spent time working in Washington state and Louisiana.

The majority of Anna’s experience has been in habitat management and restoration, working primarily on sagebrush steppe rangelands and big game winter ranges. She also serves as a mentor for students and young professionals in natural resource management, helping them define and achieve their career goals.

Anna and her husband both avidly participate in outdoor activities, and can often be found hunting, hiking, and fishing.

Drew Retherford

Bureau of Land Management (BLM)

Drew is the Terrestrial Wildlife Biologist for BLM’s Pocatello Field Office. Drew has spent his career working for the Idaho Department of Fish and Game, U.S. Forest Service, and Bureau of Land Management in various roles related to natural resource management. From 2011 to 2021 he attended Brigham Young University-Idaho, earning a Bachelor of Science in wildlife ecology and Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah earning a Master of Science in Wildlife and Wildlands Conservation studying greater sage-grouse.

In 2015, he was hired by Idaho Department of Fish and Game as a Wildlife Technician in Idaho Falls, Idaho. In 2017, he moved to Council, Idaho to run the weeds program in the Council and Weiser ranger districts with the Payette National Forest, and in 2021, he was hired as a BLM Pocatello Field Office Range Specialist before Moving into the Terrestrial Wildlife Biologist role in 2022.

Drew is passionate about the outdoors, hunting, fishing, and the future of our public land and resources.

Matt Schenk

United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)

Matt is a Contaminants Biologist for the US Fish and Wildlife Service – Chubbuck Field Office.

He is a fourth generation Idahoan, born and raised in South Central Idaho where he grew up hunting, fishing, and rockhounding across the state. It is these experiences that helped shape his commitment to conserving the natural beauty of our state for generations to come. He received his AS in Geology from CSI and went on to receive a BS in Earth and Environmental Systems and MS in Biology with emphasis in Stream Ecology from ISU. 

For most of his professional career, Matt has worked with the rivers, streams, and lakes of Idaho. From studying the effects of wildfire on the ecological communities of Wilderness streams to working as a Water Quality Analyst for the State of Idaho, he loves all things aquatic and is excited to bring his experiences and knowledge to the HIT team.

Matt resides in Pocatello with his wonderful wife Kendra and their Brittney Spaniel (Ruby) where they spend most of their free time enjoying the many wonders of the Idaho outdoors.

Jennifer Cornell

Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ)

Raised in upstate New York with the Adirondack Park as her back yard, Jennifer developed a great affinity for nature and protecting the environment.  Jennifer and her family moved from Syracuse, New York, to Pocatello in 2006. She and her husband raised their daughter and son here, enjoying the many wonderful outdoor opportunities available. Jennifer enjoys outdoor activities including hiking, skiing, fishing, camping, water sports and gardening.  Jennifer has a bachelor’s degree in Landscape Architecture from the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, and a master’s degree in Stream Ecology from Idaho State University.  For the past 12 years she has worked for the IDEQ as a water quality analyst.  This position allows Jennifer to contribute to and collaborate with many entities to improve the important habitats and ecosystems here in Southeast Idaho.

Rob Mickelsen

United States Forest Service (USFS)

Rob has served in the U.S. Forest Service for the past 25 years in 3 different states on 3 different Forests and the Intermountain Regional Office in Ogden, Utah. He has served in a variety of positions including Rangeland Management Specialist, Natural Resource Staff, District Ranger, and is currently the Ecosystems Branch Chief for the Caribou-Targhee National Forest in Idaho Falls, Idaho.  He has also represented the Forest Service on Statewide sage-grouse planning committees for the past 12 years and served on the Planning and Implementation Teams for the Forest Service Sage-grouse Plan Amendments from 2012 to present.

Gary Billman

Idaho Department of Lands (IDL)

Gary has been with the Idaho Department of Lands (IDL) going on 14 years as a Senior Resource Specialist (Geologist). He covers all the large mining operations in Southeast Idaho, regulates the navigable waters, AML program, and assists with miscellaneous leases. He is a wildland firefighter with the agency, working as an engine boss. Gary is married and has four daughters (one married and one engaged), and enjoys hunting, fishing, hiking, and photography. Gary got his bachelors of science degree in Geology from BYU-Idaho and reads, writes, and speaks Spanish.

Chad Colter

Shoshone-Bannock Tribes


contact us

Sagebrush Steppe Land Trust


109 N Arthur Ave, Suite 300,
Pocatello, ID 83204
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 1404
Pocatello, ID 83204


(208) 240-6045 office
(208) 241-4662 cell
